Friday, November 30, 2012

48 Unlisted Planet Candidates at Planet Hunters

Planet Hunters forum Talk member Kian Jek has created a web site highlighting 48 unlisted Kepler planet candidates flagged and analyzed by its members. Twenty two of the planet candidates are in the habitable zone, though star temperature and radius are often revised over time. Kian has further refined the transit modeling and description for each planet of interest that you can now click on images and links for more detailed information. It is with great pride that Planet Hunters Talk members share this information that was gleaned from hundreds of hours of Kepler light curve classifications and analyses.    

Click on the image above or here to visit the 48 planet candidates site.

 Visit Planet Hunters forum Talk here.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Sonification of PH1 - Isolating the Planet Transit in the Quadruple Star System as Sound

Artist's conception of PH1 copyright Dirk Terrell 2012

Planet Hunters forum Talk member troyw has isolated the transit of PH1, also known as Kepler 64b, in the Kepler light curve data as sound. In his previous sonification, you can hear the transits for the two stars that make up the eclipsing binary system that PH1 transits through as part of a larger quadruple star system. Many listeners said the sound of the star transits were eligible for the sound track of a horror movie. Now things are better in that you will hear the transit of PH1 itself amongst the eclipsing binary transits. You will have to listen closely to tag the sound of PH1. Hint, it is not a ping.

Click here to listen to Troy's sonification of PH1.

 Planet Hunters Q2 Kepler light curve for eclipsing binary KIC 4862625
 that PH1 is transiting.  

Sonification of PH1 light curve with planet transit and eclipsing binary transits put together by forum Talk member TroyW. He is also the creator of the Kepler Amateur Observatory (AKO).

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Unlisted Planet with 14 -17 year period transiting KIC 10842718

Kepler Q2 light curve at NEA

Only one transit in Q2, but we may have to wait a while for the next couple of transits to confirm that a  8.64x RE planet is transiting  KIC 10842718. The estimated period is 14-17 years!

Kian Jek:

The period given by the model is between 5135 to 6275d (14 to 17 years!) for a 8.64x RE planet.

You can follow this planet candidate on the forum Talk thread here. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Unlisted RR Lyrae type ab - KIC 1570352

UKIRT image showing direction (green) of RR Lyrae from target star by Kian Jek

Planet Hunters forum Talk members Dolorous EDD and Zoo3hans flagged a background RR Lyrae type ab star that was contaminating the the Kepler light curve for star KIC 1570349 below:

The LC shows massive variation through the different quarters, so I assume it's contamination. It could be a background RR_Lyrae type star.


Kian Jek:
Yes indeed Hans, it's very likely contamination from a BG RRLab. Here's the phased curve which matches the profile of an RRLab in period but the amplitude is too low - it should be at least 80% or more at the peak:

APOs show the flux centroid shifting during the variation.

These can be traced to the nearby star KIC 1570352, a magnitude 18.4 star. There isn't much in the way of stellar characteristics known, but the g-r value of 0.175 suggests a Type AF star, with a Teff around 7000K, which makes it just right for an RRLab.

 Chris Lintott:
zookeeper (moderator)
I've been in touch with Robert Szabo, our resident guru for such things, and he confirms this is a new discovery of a RRLyr of type ab - fabulous stuff and congratulations to all involved.

You can follow the discussion on this star at Planet Hunters forum Talk here.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Unlisted Planet Hunters Planet Candidates Graphic Overlay

Planet Hunters forum member Daryll LaCourse created this overlay of unlisted planet candidates (green squares) on to a graph of Kepler Objects of Interest (KOIs).

Friday, November 9, 2012

Unlisted Planet Candidate Transiting KID 8636333

Planet Hunters forum Talk members have flagged an unlisted planet transiting KID 8636333.

Kian Jek:
Only 2 transits but very nice curves. As other people have been publishing with just two or even one transit, here's the MCMC model fit. Converged extremely fast for 100000 iterations given how clean the data appears to be. The ingress fit is a little lopsided because I think there's a couple of outliers there. A few more transits should fix that, but it'll be quite a wait:

The planet size is approx. 3.67x RE, Teq around 185K, assuming the stellar parameters at MAST. Thanks to Nighthawk_Black (Daryll LaCourse) for reminding me about this. AFAIK this one's only known to Planet Hunters.

You can follow the discussion for this planet here.

An Automated Search for Transiting Exocomets- HD 182952 (KIC 8027456)

A team of astronomers led by Grant M. Kennedy , discovered a potential third comet system in the Kepler prime field data of HD 182952 (KIC...